Flux Lounge

Lompat Si Katak Lompat – JUMP!
June 26, 2008, 8:03 pm
Filed under: Malaysian Politics, Music | Tags: , , , ,

Raja Petra Kamarudin dah buat akuan sumpah dan laporan polis tentang penglibatan Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor, isteri Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak dalam kes pembunuhan profil tinggi, Altantuya Shaariibuu. Anehnya polis menyiasat RPK pulak bukannya menyiasat nama-nama yang disebut dalam laopran RPK. Inilah Malaysia… Poliskan Raja Di Malaysia… 😀

Kotor dan jijik politikus mereka-mereka ini. Kalau sampai sanggup bunuh orang, apa la sangat dengan perihal kita rakyat biasa ni? Lagi la senang nak dicincang lumat! Mengikut laporan RPK, Pak Lah dan menantu hantunya Khairy Jamaluddin ada menerimna laporan dari Perisikan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, tapi kedua-dua mangkuk ni menafikannya. Mungkin ini kunci kejayaan Khairy untuk mengugut Najib anak beranak dan kunci kejayaan Pak Lah untuk tidak atau melengah-lengahkan peralihan kuasa… Kita tunggu dan lihat!

Sementara tu, inflasi mula menjalar di Malaysia. Harga minyak, beras, letrik, kegunaan harian dan pendek kata segala benda di Malaysia ni dah naik melambung. Yang tak naik gaji pekerja yang makan gaji dan golongan pencen. Orang BN yang anti Pak Lah sibuk menggesa Pak Lah memberi mandat dan kuasa kepada Najib untuk menggantikannya, letak jawatan dan duduk rumah buat anak dengan isteri baru…

Tapi, penyokong Pakatan Rakyat termasuk aku pula sibuk meminta Ahli Parlimen BN agar segera lompat parti bagi membolehkan Pakatan Rakyat menubuhkan kerajaan pusat! Cepat lah sikit… Rakyat dah sesak ni. Jangan sampai rakyat hilang kepercayaan kepada janji-janji Pakatan Rakyat… 😎

In other word – JUMP NOW!

Here’s a music video of old skool rap duo called Kris Kross with their hit single calle ‘Jump’ circa 1992!

Stuff That Stuck In My Head #2

Berita Kepada Kawan
(Buat Sahabat-Sahabat Yang Kian Lalai Dan Engkar)

Perjalanan ini…
Terasa sangat menyedihkan
Sayang… Engkau tak duduk di sampingku kawan
Banyak cerita yang mestinya kau saksikan
Di tanah kering berbatuan…

Tubuh ku terguncang di hempas batu jalanan
Hati tergetar menampak kering rerumputan
Perjalan ini…
Seperti jadi saksi
Gembala kecil menangis sedih…

Kawan coba dengar apa jawabnya
Ketika ia ku tanya “Mengapa?”
Bapak ibunya telah lama mati
Ditelan bencana tanah ini

Sesampainya di laut ku khabarkan semuanya..
Kepada karang.. kepada ombak.. kepada matahari..
Tetapi semua diam.. tetapi semua bisu..
Tinggal aku sendiri terpaku menatap langit..

Barangkali di sana ada jawabnya
Mengapa di tanahku terjadi bencana

Mungkin Tuhan mulai bosan..
Melihat tingkah kita..
Yang selalu salah dan bangga dengan dosa-dosa..

Atau alam mulai enggan..
Bersahabat dengan kita..
Coba kita bertanya pada rumput yang bergoyang..


Anak-Anak Kita
(Buat Ibu Bapa Yang Risau Akan Masa Depan Anak-Anak… Fikir)

Anak-anak kitakah yang berlari telanjang
Di bawah mentari sumbing
Sambil menyanyi lagu
Ketakutan hari-hari ini

Anak-anak kitakah yang memikul beban
Kesilapan kita
Hingga dia tak kenal
Budaya canggung bangsa sendiri

Selamatkan anak kita
Dari padang jerangkap samar
Selamatkan anak kita
Orde baru politikus usang

Anak-anak kitakah yang bermain
Di hutan belukar
Dengan senapang kayu ubi
Cambah tak kenal bahaya

Anak-anak kitakah yang tak tahu nak pulang
Bila petang
kerana terlalu sibuk main lastik
Dan berpistolan

Jaga-jaga anak kita
Jangan sampai jadi hamba
Jaga-jaga anak kita
Kita ini orang merdeka

Panggillah mereka pulang
Ayah nak ajar
Tentang kurang ajar
Jadi mereka takkan sendiri lagi

Panggillah mereka pulang
Ayah nak ajar
Tentang kurang ajar
Jadi mereka takkan dimomok lagi

Selamatkah kita di tangan tukang karut itu?
Selamatkah kita di tangan dalang wayang itu?
Selamatkah kita di tangan ahli koporat itu?
Selamatkah kita di tangan doktor jiwa itu?
Selamatkah kita di tangan pakar kitab itu?
Selamatkah kita di tangan tuhan-tuhan itu?


Tanya Sama Itu Hud-Hud
(Dalam kalut ada peraturan, Peraturan cipta kekalutan, Di mana pula kau berdiri..? Aku di sini!)

Tujuh puluh tiga pintu
Tujuh puluh tiga jalan
Yang sampai hanya satu jalan

Beribu-ribu Margasatua
Mencari raja si Muraq
Yang sampai hanya tiga puluh

Ooh… Sang Algojo
Ooh… nanti dulu

Lihat dunia dari mata burung
Atau dari dalam tempurung
Yang mana satu engkau pilih
Dalam kalut ada peraturan
Peraturan mencipta kekalutan
Di mana pula kau berdiri?

Di sini

Ooh… Sang Algojo
Ooh… nanti dulu

Berikan ku kesempatan akhir ini
Untuk menyatakan kalimah sebenarnya

Berikan aku kesempatan akhir ini
Lai lai la lai la lai

“Tanya sama itu hud-hud
Lang mensilang
Kui mengsikui
Kerna dia yang terbangkan ku ke mari”

Micheal Jackson – Thriller
May 1, 2008, 4:40 pm
Filed under: Arts, Music, Video | Tags: ,

Ok, if you think that early post of David Blaine is funny or maybe not funny enough for you, watch this! Do you remember last time when we used to hide over a blanket when Micheal Jackson Thriller music video appeared on TV? Yes… It was good old 80s! And the video does scared a hell lot of kids of that era. The 80s was full with horror, alien attack on earth kind of movie and their musical influences varies from one genre to another among that scopes. Not to forget those shinny and glow in the dark effects. Honestly, I love 80s more than the year 2000 and 80s has leave a huge impact on me especially on my musical influences…

Now, this is a remake music video from Micheal Jackson famous Thriller by God knows who this Indian fellow is… This was a re-written lyric as well. Not the Micheal Jackson one. Back then Micheal Jackson was a king of pop… At least before he had an interest on small and underage boys! Yeah… BOYS!

What the f? Enjoy… 😀

So, how’s that? Now, watch the second one.. It’s the same video but this time it comes with lyric. 😆

LOL. Now I can cool a bit from my work stress… 😎

Stuff That Stuck In My Head #1
April 1, 2008, 9:46 pm
Filed under: Life, Music, Poems & Poetry


For 27 years I’ve been trying to believe and confide in
Different people I’ve found
Some of them got closer than others
And someone wouldn’t even bother and then you came around
I didn’t really know what to call you, you didn’t know me at all
But I was happy to explain
I never really knew how to move you
So I tried to intrude through the little holes in your veins
And I saw you
But that’s not an invitation
That’s all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I’ve seen you, I know you
But I don’t know
How to connect, so I disconnect

You always seem to know where to find me and I’m still here behind you
In the corner of your eye
I’ll never really learn how to love you
But I know that I love you through the hole in the sky

Where I see you
And that’s not an invitation
That’s all I get
If this is communication
I disconnect
I’ve seen you, I know you
But I don’t know
How to connect, so I disconnect

Well this is an invitation
It’s not a threat
If you want communication
That’s what you get
I’m talking and talking
But I don’t know
How to connect
And I hold a record for being patient
With your kind of hesitation
I need you, you want me
But I don’t know
How to connect, so I disconnect
I disconnect…


Couldn’t Care Less

Oh my heart can’t carry much more
It’s really, really aching and sore
My heart don’t care anymore
I really can’t bear more
My hands don’t work like before
I shiver and I scrape at your door
My heart can’t carry much more
But you couldn’t care less
Could you?

Your face don’t look like before
It’s really not like yours anymore
Your eyes don’t like me no more
They quiver and they shift to the floor
My heart don’t beat like before
It’s never been this slow
No my blood don’t flow anymore
And you couldn’t care less
Could you?

Could we stop and sleep for a spell
We can turn this ditch into a well
And send that old devil back to hell
But we really don’t care do we

Baby let’s stop and sleep for a spell
We can turn this ditch into a well
And send that old devil back to hell

Your back’s not straight like before
You really shouldn’t carry me no more
I’m much too heavy for you
I’m really quite a mess, yes
We just don’t care anymore
We’re crooked and were cut to the core
We’re just not there anymore
But we really don’t care do we
No, we couldn’t care less
We couldn’t care less
Could we?


For What It’s Worth

Hey baby come round
Keep holding me down
And I’ll be keeping you up tonight
The four letter word got stuck in my head
The dirtiest word that I’ve ever said
It’s making me feel alright
For what it’s worth, I love you
And what is worse, I really do
For what it’s worth, I’m gonna run run run
‘Til the sweetness gets to you
And what is worse I love you!

Hey please baby come back
There’ll be no more loving attack
And I’ll be keeping it cool tonight
The four letter word is out of my head
Come on around, get back in my bed
Keep making me feel alright
For what it’s worth, I like you
And what is worse, I really do
Things have been worse
And we had fun fun fun
‘Til I said I love you
And what is worse, I really do!

For what it’s worth, I love you
And what is worse, I really do…

Butterfly… A New Beginning
March 22, 2008, 2:13 am
Filed under: Life, Music | Tags: ,

What’s up with the title ‘Butterfly… A New Beginning’? Nothing much I guess. It’s a song title from one of my favourite band from UK called Mansun. But I’m not here to talk about the band, nor the song ‘Butterfly… A New Beginning’. I’m actually don’t have any clue what to write in here today. I’m just being plain happy for the past few day I guess. Or being plain silly and dumb… I don’t know… I just can’t get something out of my head right now, but I’m happy…

Someone who interested to know more of Malaysian ‘national history’ has contacted me recently. People from ‘Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia’ (Malaysian History Association) has also invited me to join them. To be part of the team. To be part of ‘national historian’… I’ll answer their call soon. A few days ago, three UiTM (University of Technology Malaysia) students has also contact me to do some interview session. But this time it was not about history. It is about some advertising job I’ve done for the past 10 years… Ahh… How time flies. How time has really envy me… I’m going 30 this year for God sake and I feel old… How I wish that I’m only 20 now. Sure there’s a lot of things to do… Lots of things to catch up. Lots of people to meet and so on…

I don’t know if this week could be a good new beginning for me… I see many consequences. I see many roads wide open in-front of me for me to achieve more of everything. I see many options as well. Some are good and some are bad. I’m finally get some kind of new idea and energy to develop Logic Media Communications. I’m finally get some serious mood for The Lovecraft and its music plus some other things that I really can’t think of it right now but I’m sure there’s something…

If there’s an angel, I’m sure that I’ve been touch by him… Trust me! I’ve saw something strange within this week. Some kind of strange attraction. Something that beautifully crafted and created. Something that make music in my head and lullabies in my dreams. But it is far for me to touch. To far to reach… I’m 30 now and I’ve never see options before while I was 20. I’m stuck in my reality of life now with not much options left more for me. Forget it… I’ll work it my way. Daily job. Music. Life… Everything I’ll do it my way and hopefully for a new beginning… Soon…

Without I’m noticing those changes in life, suddenly there’s quite a few of old songs keep playing in my heads and my mp3 player. Music from some of my favourite band and artist such as The Mission, The Cure, Depeche Mode, M Nasir and songs such as Hands Across The Ocean, Stay With Me, Wasteland, Tower of Strengh, Open, Strange Attraction, Pictures of You, A Forest, Three Imaginary Boys, Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me, Kepadamu Kekasih, Mustika and many others keep playing again and again and again and again… Non stop and I don’t know when will it stop…

Anyway, before this posting becomes terribly far from it purpose, here’s a lyrics and music from my old days. A song by an Indonesian singer called Dwen and a song entitled Satu Penantian… Enjoy…

Dwen – Satu Penantian

Kau yang ku sayang
Dari dulu, kini dan selama-lamanya
Sebelum kenal dirimu
Sebelum jumpa dirimu
Kau sering datang dalam mimpiku

Kata hatiku
Selalu membisik kau adalah milikku
Biar lama pun kutunggu
Saat kedewasaanmu
Daku tak pernah jemu menantimu

Disaat ku sendiri
Ku bayangkan wajahmu
Terkadang ku berilusi
Tentang dikau dan aku

Ku harapkan semua ini
Esok kan jadi kenyataan
Dan aku berjanji
Kan ku bahagiakan dirimu selamanya

Ku harapkan semua ini
Akan segera terjadi
Dan semoga nanti
Bukan hanya sekadar impian belaka

If there’s anyone out there who interested to get a copy of this song in mp3 format, please leave your e-mail in comments. I’ll e-mail it to you later. Please use the song for your own listening pleasure and not to be reproduce or rewriten without any given permission from the right holder.

Till then… Lets pray for a new beginning!

Half Life
October 23, 2007, 11:33 pm
Filed under: Music, Poems & Poetry

Half life wastes before it goes
It’s funny how your bee sting touch never leaves me whole
It’s not enough to stay here almost trying
You keep your last laugh watch this dying
It’s just your half time vertigo
And if you want an answer, I don’t know

If you had completed me
Don’t think I’d be pleased with you
Don’t think I’d compete with you
With half of me to take

Half life nothing I’d call home
It’s lucky how these phantom limb bee stings never show
It’s not enough to leave this falling kindly
You burn my star down twice as brightly
It’s just your half light undertow
But if you need forgiveness, I don’t know

If you had completed me
Don’t think I’d be pleased with you
Don’t think I’d compete with you
With half of me to take

Half light breaks with nothing wrong
Just a corner of my bed where you don’t belong
It’s kind of you to notice no-one’s dying
You had your last laugh, almost crying
It’s just your half life long to know
And if you need a reason, so it goes

If you had completed me
Don’t think I’d be pleased with you
Don’t think I’d compete with you
With half of me to take

Adrenaline Rush
July 13, 2007, 9:38 pm
Filed under: Life, Music

The Cure Ticket

Speechless.. Nothing much to say.. Pumping heart beat with my adrenaline rushing lots of excitement.. The Cure concert tickets is here with me.. I’m counting the days to witness The Cure most probably ‘one and only’ concert in SE Asia.. Here’s my wishlist..

– To get over to the backstage where I could have private chat with the boys.
– To take photos with them.
– To have a good evening coffee with them before the show.
– To get their autograph.
– To buy their ‘tour’ merchandise.
– And more.. And more.. And more.. 🙂

This mean the whole world for me.. 🙂

Stadium Layout

Looking For A Female Vocalist
July 8, 2007, 12:33 am
Filed under: Arts, Music


Yes indeed! As the title had said, We’re (my band) looking for a female vocalist that could possibly deliver trip hop music. Having influence by the likes of Portishead, Massive Attack, Hooverphonic, Goldfrapp, Emiliana Torrini and more is one of the basic requirements. We really didn’t care where you’re from and originated since we live in the upmost 21st century, I guess we can be still working through the net. We also didn’t care what your races would be and your believe. And if you’re happen to be somewhere around Klang Valley or Kuala Lumpur, it would be much more easier.

As for your basic info, the band is known as The Lovecraft which is currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The band current has two person that running in actively which is me as the music programmer, keyboards and guitar player and Kech as the bass player. We do have one female vocalist known as Line but, since she’s being busy with her daily routine, and can’t commit more on the band, we are out looking for a replacement. The Lovecraft is about to release its debut EP entitled ‘Epic Of Love’ by end of this year.

For some of our sound samples and of course if you been wondering on how we’d sound like, please don’t hesitate to check out at our MySpace music page here. If you’re kind of interested, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our email or just leave a comments here as we will get back to you. Till then, take a very good care of your self… Adios…


The Cure Is Finally Here!
June 11, 2007, 5:35 pm
Filed under: Life, Music

Robert Smith of The Cure

Finally… And I am not dreaming.. The Cure is set to rock Singapore on this coming 1st of August… It’s The Cure oi..!! They’ve been my ‘personal’ cure since the 80s. The band started out in 1976 known as ‘Easy Cure’. I’ve followed the band carrier since then. Collecting each of their album and single collection plus their t-shirts, biography books and much more stuff. God damn it..!! Yes, I’m not dreaming… The Cure is coming..!! This is the most exciting news for me in ages…

The Cure’s main idol, Robert Smith lyrics has really cured me from life disease and such. So I’ll definitely will not give a no-no to this concert. I personally think this is one in a lifetime chances since they’re already old. And I’m old too. This will probably be their one and only concert in South East Asia…! Although I almost wont believe it till i see the date listed on their website on the 1st of August 2007.. And to Robert Smith, you have made mine and many others year..!

The Cure and Robert Smith was one of the big reason I formed my first band, Extraterrestrial then later on Death Becomes Her or most of KL gig goers would call it DBH. Thanks to my cousin who’ve lend me his ‘Three Imaginary Boys’ and ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ album somewhere in 1983.. I was only 5 years old at that time.. Can you imagine..? I still remember singing along the ‘Drip.. Drip.. Drip…’ part from the ’10:15 Saturday Night’ song. The rest is history… Only to realise after that I’ve been collecting one album after another untill my working and adult era…

Plus I’ve too many heart broken memories, with no one to turns to but The Cure was always there to cure me.. To cure my broken heart. Robert Smith lyrics and The Cure’s music did blend so well that they managed to throw me on my lullabies memory.. *sigh* Remember those days where Benson & Hedges used to have one TV show called ‘Golden Dreams..? I did enroll too and received one phone call from them asking about my dream.. I told them that my golden dreams is to play live set with The Cure in Royal Albert Hall of London.. Sadly to say, they think that my dream was too much for them.. Well, that’s The Cure at their 30 years of career.. And my stories as one of their biggest fan…

So, wait no more as The Cure is finally here to teach all of SE Asian the real value of music. To ‘cure’ every of their fans. To draw big question mark to those who think they’re ’emo’ enough or they’re as dark as ‘My Chemical Romance’.. This is The Cure, and they’re the real thing..! The ‘God-Father’ of all or may I say, ‘Goth-Father’…?

I’m booking my tickets now… 🙂

Here are the ticket price.. SGD $178, $148, $188, $78. Another set that might kill you.. But who care..? I’m going definitely…! For more info on tickets, please visits:

Live Nation Asia

Or go directly to The Cure Official for more info on the concert..

Robert Smith of The Cure

Cenang Beach, Langkawi National Water Fest 2007
April 10, 2007, 3:59 pm
Filed under: Life, Music, Photo

I was in Cenang Beach, Langkawi Island from 7th April to 9th April 2007 for the musical performances regarding the Malaysian National Water Festival 2007 in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2007. I was playing with my band, The Lovecraft as well as a solo DJ set among other bands and DJs such as DJ Ash and DJ Khalique plus one of my most favourite band on earth, Kluk Kluk Adventure. It’s more like a circle of friends performances and yes indeed we’d enjoy the whole show…

Needless to say that the sound systems is M-A-S-S-I-V-E and huge and i must say it should cost millions of dollars for that kind of sound setup. What piss me off later on that night (and i must say up until today) was this whole buch of drunken and stonehead sound man and sound engineer who purposely or unpurposely shut down my monitor speakers and make us look dumb and stupid infront of 80,000 – 100,000 crowd… Playing music mixing and live sequencing without hearing the sound well.. And i am still mad and will alway mad at it since they keep on making fuzz and bragging saying that they’ve managed to handle Metalica, Gun’s ‘n’ Roses, Mr Big and other big names well enough, but it turned up that they didn’t noticed or purposely not to care the ‘off’ monitor.. Other than that, we manage the show peacefully and nicely.. What an experience i had there… bloody bastard..!!

Anyway, here’s the pics…

Kluk Kluk Adventure Kluk Kluk Adventure soundcheck.

The setup The setup for The Lovecraft, DJ Ash & DJ Khalique.

Pure Vibration ‘Reggea Party’ with Giekapai Pure Vibration ‘Reggea Party’ with Giekapai.

Khalique, me and Ash Khalique, me and Ash before the show.

Rocking time! Rocking time!

The Lovecraft Me and The Lovecraft.

The Lovecraft The Lovecraft infront of 80,000 – 100,000 crowd.

That’s all folks..!!

Open (The Way The Rain Comes Down Hard, That’s How I Feel Inside)
March 27, 2007, 2:16 pm
Filed under: Life, Music, Poems & Poetry

i really don’t know what i’m doing here
i really think i should’ve gone to bed tonight but…
just one drink
and there’re some people to meet you
i think that you’ll like them
i have to say we do
and i promise in less than an hour we will honestly go

yeah just say hello…

so i’m clutching it tight
another glass in my hand
and my mouth and the smiles
moving up as i stand up
too close and too wide
and the smiles are too bright
and i breathe in too deep
and my head’s getting light

but the air is getting heavier and it’s closer
and i’m starting to sway
and the hands on all my shoulders don’t have names
and they won’t go away
so here i go
here i go again…

falling into strangers
and it’s only just eleven
ans i’m staring like a child
until someone slips me heaven
and i take it on my knees
just like a thousand times before
and i get transfixed
that fixed…

and i’m just looking at the floor…
just looking at the floor…
yeah i look at the floor…

and i’m starting to laugh
like an animal in pain
and i’ve got blood on my hands
and i’ve got hands in my brain
and the first short retch
leaves me gasping for more
and i stagger over screaming
on my way to the floor

and i’m back on my back
with the lights and the lies in my eyes
and the colour and the music’s too loud
and my head’s all the wrong size
so here i go…

here i go again…

yeah i laugh and i jump
and i sing and i laugh
and i dance and i laugh
and i laugh and i laugh
and i can’t seem to think
where this is
who i am
why i’m keeping this going
keep pouring it out
keep pouring it down…
keeping it going
keep pouring it down…


i can’t take it anymore
this it i’ve become
this is it like i get
when my life’s going numb
i just keep moving my mouth
i just keep moving my feet