Flux Lounge

Artwoks + Portfolios Update! #1

Finally I’ve managed to get some of my past jobs and portfolios uploaded here on Flux Lounge Blog. I will try to upload more and more arts and previous jobs from time to time. As for now, please look on your left panel for ‘Arts + Portfolio‘… Spend some time looking at it and if you’re kind enough do leave any comments and / or your critiques there… Whatever…


Flux Boutique Coming Soon!
September 23, 2007, 10:06 pm
Filed under: Graphic Design, Porfolio

FLUX Boutique Logo

I’ve finally managed to compiled back all of my previous work portfolios from 1996 – 2007 and decided to publish it on a web for others to view or get inspired. It’s not much and it’s not that good compared to any other portfolios site but I wish it could attract any design agency or firm to have a humble view on it soon since I’m planning to shift from my current work. Like I’ve wrote earlier on my previous post, I’m so sick with all of this government political bullshit that happen so much in my current company. So I really need a wind of change…

All of the work that will be publish soon will include advertisement graphic, graphic design, post-production, illustration, desktop publishing, multimedia and a few other silly stuff that I’ve been doing since a few years back. It will include works ranging from local ad and multimedia projects to international accounts which has been published in Japan, USA and Europe.

So, stay around for an update soon! Taken from this humble weblog name, Flux Lounge… Here we go next, Flux Boutique for a complete portfolios of me… Logo for the site will be as above.

And ohh, by the way, new song has been added to ‘Ear Plucks’ player. A song by Beauty’s Confusion called, Moment Like This. Check it out!

Take care!